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USQuail Squawk-Talk
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USQuail Cooperative - Dr Bob White, Founder USQC/PAQC
1/6/20243 min read
Prime Time Schedule
Quail TV is video player skin that visitors to can view daily scheduled live podcasts, archives of previous uploads, educational categories on specific topics, or playlists from "featured members". The schedule allows you to see what will be airing this week and listed on the Events section of the platform.
Live Podcasting is a great way to grow your quail farm, and can be accomplished fairly simply from equipment you already have. Of course, as you progress, you may want to include additional equipments, such as cameras, video source switchers, Video editing and production software, and online re-streaming services. But for now, all it takes is your cell phone, a Facebook or YouTube Account, and something to share. The trick is to start sharing... you can always delete video's that may be embarrassing, but you learn and thats the important thing.
You may have seen many quail farmers who have youtube channels... some with 1000's of followers. Some have enough followers that you tube monetizes their channel and pays the creator money for the ability to advertise to their followers. Note that sharing your live stream feed with US Quail will not affect the moneitization of your YouTube or Facebook Livestreams. We simply capture the broadcast URL from your scheduled feed and put that link on a shared "LIVE STREAM" playlist on our own USQuail channel. Your followers will still follow you on your channel, but you will gain new followers who find you at USQuail
USQuail has a retro-skinned video player... think antique TV with the screen cut out and a standard video player embedded in its stead. This player is a "pop-up" player, opening in a new window so you can continue to work from your Member dashboard... checking new leads, answering emails, updating your inventory, creating Affiliate links to promote USQuail or using any of the tools your member level offers as a benefit. Our goal is to make Your Dashboard your daily homepage with everything you need to run and manage your quail business right there at your wing tips. You can listen to food supply news, Q&A's from other members, archives from the member uploaded educational video's, or check out the video intro's from our newest members.
We have two main PRIMETIME slots for "LIVE STREAMING": 8:00 a,m. Daily podcast from the Coop "The Morning Crow" where we go over new updates to the platform, answer Questions from our membership and subscribers, and cover news that affects the poultry and food industry. There is a 9:00 Show slot M-Su that will be available, along with individual weekly Show Slots during the Prime Time hours of 6:00 pm to 9:00. We will try and schedule around members existing weekly shows, and fill in the Live Stream feeds with member shows as the develop. LIVE PODCASTING is FREE for Breeder level members and available to all members for an upgrade.
The time slots between the LIVE STREAM programming will be filled with archives of older shows, or the viewer can choose to watch anyone of the linked playlists. IF you are interested in Leveling Up your quail business, having a podcast is a great way to drive new visitors to your USQC profile page and then to your website to purchase. We ask that any video you create for QuailTV includes a "Sponsored by USQuail Cooperative" shout out, and by adding your affiliate link to your youtube or Facebook upload, you can earn income from every new member that joins "US"!
Once we develop a sound and "quail-ity" programming schedule, we will stream our QuailTV directly to the USQuail Rumble Channel. Our goal as always is to get more people growing quail so that should our food supply become corrupted, our neighbors can support our communities. Also, as our followers grow, USQuail will quickly become recognized and the leaders of the US Quail Industry which will afford us the opportunity to do interviews with national podcast influencers and hosts. We already have a few "in's"... all we need is YOU. Won't you join us?
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