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USQuail Cooperative
America's only Member Owned Quail Directory & Business Resource!
USQuail Cooperative, helping communities become self sufficient by growing their own protein, one neighbor at a time.
Searchable Directory Listing
Member Profile Page, dashboard
Decrease overhead, shared SAAS
Shareable education modules
Revenue Sharing/Affiliate Rewards
Legal & Lobby Fund
Standardized farm practices
Buy Live Quail
Sell Live Quail
cooperative - kō-ŏp′ər-ə-tĭv
Done in cooperation with others. a cooperative effort. Marked by willingness to cooperate;
Of, relating to, or formed as an enterprise or organization jointly owned or managed by those who use its facilities or services.
An enterprise or organization that is owned or managed jointly by those who use its facilities or services
USQuail inc
USQuail inc - The Benefits Director and management resource for the USQuail Cooperative
USQuail takes the priorities voted on by the cooperative and makes them a reality. USQuail is the administrator of the Co-op, procuring software and infusing services into the platform including updates, store management, billing and customer service, tech support, affiliate program management, marketing templates, running the Print and Merchandise store and offering custom member services to ensure satisfaction.
Shop - Supply & Equipment Store
Website services, SEO, Hosting
@QuailMail.US email services
Print Shop & Merch Shop for your business
Newsletter/Email campaign Services
Podcast training, gear & Support
Bobwhite Rehabitation Fund