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Pennsylvania Quail Cooperative

Pennsylvania PAQC Links


  1. Robert Weston -

  2. Vacant - Contact

  3. Vacant - Contact









FEATURED MEMBER: [Featured_Member_PA]


We started this "Parallel Poultry" initiative and the US Quail Cooperative so that smaller homestead businesses could have a resource to be able to fulfill larger contracts by "Co-Supplying" products to buyers. It's difficult to approach restaurants about providing quail eggs when you cannot guarantee the supply they may need or desire for example. If we are truly "All In This Fight Together" we would be happy to call upon our neighboring member growers to help with the contract.

Also, some states have more "regulations" and laws than others. To sell Pickled Quail Eggs in PA you have to have a licensed and inspected facility... and that means each one of us. But what if every 4 or 5 of us got together and leased a small facility, purchased the equipment needed at cost through a cooperative resource, and had a facility to increase our sales.

And what if that state quail cooperative got enough members that the politicians started to listen to us when we demanded relaxed regulations on the homestead or "cottage Laws" that provide an unfair advantage and impose a burden upon us Homestead Food and Poultry producers.

That is what we want... For US. Each state will have a similar page to this one for Administrative meetings, listing of the PAQC members of the USQC US Quail Cooperative membership, and a "local Portal" for things you may need to start, run, grow, and legally manage your own quail business... from any spare room to your own back yard. PAQC members will have contact with the Steering Committee Leaders, who in turn will bring up state issues at Board meetings, and the USQC Board of Directors will hold an annual vote to present to USQuail Inc as the Benefit Management Director to implement the new modules and tools "we" need most. Only through our collective can we control the laws that govern us individually. JOIN US at USQuailCoop.Com

Pennsylvania Quail Cooperative Member
Pennsylvania Quail Cooperative Member
Coturnix Quail Farmer in PA

PAQC - President

Pennsylvania Quail Cooperative Member
Pennsylvania Quail Cooperative Member
Pennsylvania Bobwhite Quail PA

PAQC - Vics President

Pennsylvania Quail Cooperative Member LGBTQ friendly
Pennsylvania Quail Cooperative Member LGBTQ friendly
Celedon and Button Quail in PA

PAQC - Secretary

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